• Health First - Calm Mental Health Institution

Going to psychologist demands a certain bravery from a person, so it is very important that a mental health care institution website look trustworthy and calm down the potential patient. This landing page HTML template is carefully created to meet those requirements. Its colour scheme is calm and pastel, the structure is simple and intuitively understandable. The video madule allows you to add the video right to the page and user won't be forced to go to another site to watch it. The contact form is big, there will be no chance a visitor will miss it and encourages a patient to use it.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

Category Medical Templates
Features Up-Button,Cross browser,Favicon,Google maps,Google fonts,Bootstrap,Adaptive layout,
Tags surgery,doctor,health,beauty,hospital,clinic,services,laboratory,center,help,inspection,equipment,patients,medicine,healthcare,consulting,medical,consultant,landing,page

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Health First - Calm Mental Health Institution

  • Brands RockThemes
  • Product Code: 70818
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 12,000₽