• James Whitaker - University Ready-to-Use

This multipage HTML template smells with books, wooden furniture, and chalk - it will make the visitors feel they already joined the university! High school website should have a simple and understandable design and give the potential student all the information he might need. James Whitaker theme does this job perfectly! The homepage has a clear structure that helps the visitor to get through the most important information. A few animation effects make the website more dynamic and contemporary. A bunch of pre-made pages makes the process of website launching faster and the Novi Builder compatibility simplifies it. With the help of Novi Builder, you can just drag-and-drop all the elements you need to the page and then customize them.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

Category Education & Books
Features Up-Button,Cross browser,DropDown-menu,Favicon,Google maps,Google fonts,Live-search,Tooltips,Bootstrap,Adaptive layout,Visual Editor,
Tags university,sport,student,library,community,school,research,party,events,study,directory,camp,camping,college,knowledge,engineering,book,editor,builder,modern

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James Whitaker - University Ready-to-Use

  • Brands RockThemes
  • Product Code: 74596
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 18000₽