If there's no room for all products you want to sell in your street store, we've got a wonderful way out of this situation. Online shop will not only accommodate all your items, but considerably boost your profit. Have a look at this example of a computer store with bright design elements that vivify its simple, usable design. The theme has intuitive navigation, represented by the main and footer menus as well as sidebar categories, brands and tags filters. Six promo banners along with an image slider make brilliant content presentation. Get this template and earn money easily.
Techs | |
Category | Computers & Internet |
Features | PSD layout,Up-Button,Accordion menu,Cloud Zoom,Commenting system,Cross browser,Custom Page template,DropDown-cart,DropDown-menu,Favicon,Google maps,Google fonts,Social settings,Tooltips,Admin Panel,Adaptive layout,Online Store, |
Tags | hardware,computers,store,hardware,online,shop,computer,systems,windows,products,linux,os/2,it,servers,disk,space,processor,technology,cables,cable |
The Biggest Computers Store
- Brands RockThemes
- Product Code: 47676
- Availability: In Stock