• Writer Ronald - Universal Personal Multipurpose HTML

There can't be a more solid personal card then the website. If you want to impress an employer or fans - you definitely need one. This multipurpose HTML template is a universal solution for a personal website. It doesn't matter either if you are a public person or a private language teacher - this template will fit you perfectly. The design is up to date, accurate, light and attractive. The animation effects work smoothly and don't lower the loading speed. Four niche layouts, 33 pre-made pages and different variants of footer and header will allow you to customize website's look according to your needs.

Category Education & Books
Features PSD layout,Up-Button,Cross browser,DropDown-menu,Favicon,Google maps,Google fonts,Live-search,Tooltips,Bootstrap,Adaptive layout,
Tags political,news,portal,newspaper,entertainment,events,article,post,blog,magazine,easy,personal,agency,services,web,book,knowledge,study,library,education

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Writer Ronald - Universal Personal Multipurpose HTML

  • Brands RockThemes
  • Product Code: 71789
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 18,000₽